The excavation of self is really a kind of anthropology, endlessly intriguing
Bones, maybe memories, but armatures for new structures
maybe velvet-maybe pearlescent-maybe mauve and plum.
Mauve armor.
Hollow bird bones, maybe liberation.
Once I slept on sea stone, actually many times.
They felt like anchors and I still feel them in my bones, warm landscapes leaning against my hips. I think of them all the time.
Love them more than lovers. Some of them were violet electric in the evening.
Snakeskins too, freedom from ancient stories
stripped down
to mauve hollow bird armorbones.
emerald stone talismanbones.
Iron from meteorites-ancestral defense.
Lamplit vessels inner worlds
star armor bones- stairways to that dimension, this dimension other ones.
Maybe the future is glowing feather bones- their velvet capes treescapes
Bones, maybe velvet
maybe magenta.
And mauve.