A golden Autumn day, and I am sitting in front of this screen, finding a quiet moment to think.
Here I have linked the first episode of Season Three of The Magic Hour Dreamcast, my little side project.
The sharing of darker stories around a fire seems like an ancient rite of passage for humans. The fire might be replaced with dinner, or a candle, or the background noise of tv or radio, but regardless of the vehicle humans tell each other stories, and they do so for a variety of reasons.
I think one of those reasons is the fact that we need to relate and connect in order to move from one challenge to the next. How else can we find the gems within them? We need to feel connected and less alone in the vast fields of experience. No one escapes the challenges, we all just meet them at different times, and that is a surefire promise.
This podcast has certainly evolved over the last two years (Wow! Two!?) and now moving into the third season, which will be mostly run by myself (Rudo will not be as present for the forseeable future) I realized it was taking shape and becoming a storytelling experience-but the kinds of stories that maybe break us and put us back together different. I want it to be that kind of place.
Its not meant to simply be a dark space, but a monument to our important tales.
I am anticipating posting on Substack more and engaging less with Instagram, so please expect more from me in the future here. My website is up and running and has been for some time. Please drop by there too. I would love more engagement there.
I will be posting new work and linking to where work can be purchased as I have a print shop right on my site. I would also love it if you signed up to receive my monthly newsletters that I create each month.
Click here, scroll down, sign up at the bottom!
They are artistic projects that I work on through each season filled with writing, new art, events I am participating in locally, and other surprises.
Please let me know how you like the newest Magic Hour episode, and reach out to me if you have a story to tell.
Please check out my art and share it if you can! I am proud of the work I have to offer and woud love to share it more with the world.
New Art:
Fossilized Fox- one of my most recent pieces.
An exploration of the braided fabric of sea structures and sediment, this foxlike creature has dreamed of caverns filled with the memory of eras; fox ancestors and paths of crumbled stone.
It is available in 5x7, 8x10, and 11x14
I add gold leaf pen by hand to each print, so they shimmer.
The original is also available upon request.
Click here to wander into the Print Shop
Talk soon,